We are a voluntary organisation that depends on the support of people who are willing to give their time and money towards the aim of making Dartford a great place to live.
We welcome anyone who would like to assist us in any way. There are many ways that you can help. Alternately, you might just want to hear from us from time to time.
Anyone living in the UK is eligible to join the Conservative Party. Applicants are not required to be registered voters or UK nationals. There is no upper or lower age limit on membership, although children under the age of 15 cannot be enrolled as full voting members.
Paid-up members of the Conservative Party have the following rights:
A vote in the selection of local election candidates - for both Dartford Borough Council and Kent County Council
A vote in the selection of candidates for Westminster.
A vote in the election of Constituency Association Officers
One member, one vote in the election of the Leader of the Party
Representation on the governing board of the Party
The opportunity to attend Party Conference
Social events throughout the year
The suggested membership fee is £25 per year with a discounted fee of £5 for those under the age of 23.
To find out more about membership, please email [email protected] or ring us on 01322 220 704
You can sign up now by clicking on the Join link below.